4 комментариев к “Китай отмечает 90 лет коммунизма

  1. всё-таки, не коммунизма а компартии 🙂 коммунизму у них всего 62 года

    1. Да и коммунизма у них еще нет, а есть только лишь первая стадия — социализм с присутствием дедушки Ленина НЭПом.

  2. sorry for being so picky and petty 🙂 but i trust the symbol on the image is precisely the symbol of Chinese Communist Party, not of Chinese People’s Republic. there’s a little difference there, as all prominent parties in the world, in all countries usually have their symbols which are slightly different from the symbols of state, even if a state is socialist or what not. Hammer and sickle is apparently the emblem of CPC. and by the way, it actually kinda looks like a tombstone, lol

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